Greetings and Happy New Year
Lent, and the 2022 Fish Fry seasons are quickly approaching and I wanted to reach out and ask for your help this year. Our first Fish Fry will be on Friday Feb 25th and will conclude on April 8th. The Fish Fry will be doing indoor dining and online carryout (no drive thru ordering this year). This is the Knights biggest fundraising and community building event of the year! I hope you can join us this Lenten season.
I will be coordinating the indoor cashier station and we are in need of about 4-5 volunteers for each shift. We will be setting up the cash and credit card stations using the Square app at the far end of the serving line (after people have gotten their food). The majority of the work will involve sitting at the cashier station and taking payments.
Please let me know what dates and shifts (early/late) you can help. Also, if you are not able to volunteer for the cashier station, please let me know so I can take you off of my distribution list.
The following are the Fish Fry dates
Shifts: Early (4:00 – 5:30), Late (5:30 – 7:00)
3 /11
Thanks and God bless,
Kevin Stanley